Design rules
1) communicate- don't decorate
2) speak with visual icons
3) Use 2 type max including type size
4) pick a set colour scheme on purpose
5) if you can make it with less things, then do it.
6) negative space is your friend- Make more of it!
7) Treat type as a image, it is a important as a image.
8) Be universal, remember that the design is not just for my use.
9) Be decisive. Do what you do on purpose, or don't do it at all.
of good website designs
These 4 websites are great examples of good web design. All of them have navigation bars in the same place, they're clean and simple to read. They're simple and have a small number of pages that have a different design. The things that they want to be noticed the most is quite bigger than the other things. The links are meaningful, relevant and the terms are easy to understand. All the text and icons are readable so you know where the link leads.
I love this website! its fun, interactive and reflects on the artists style. Ideally I would like to create a site like this that reflects on me as a illustrator. have a vary of portfolio website themes for sale here are 2 good examples.
both of these are the type of site that I could create with the time frame that I have. They also have create layouts for showcasing a artists work.
All of these are horrible, insulting designs with clutter, sub links, navigation buttons, and blue links everywhere. Their colour and text choices are all over the place. Overall these designs create complete confusion for the user and hurts peoples eyes.
Planning out my websites layout and design
from looking at other websites and following the design rules.